Friday, November 5, 2010


As Blog #1 ....I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a Certified Personal Trainer from Rochester, New York. I have been a trainer @ Boundaries Gym in Irondequoit since 1996. The majority of my clients are people just interested in a healthy lifestyle through exercise.
     I was a High School wrestler that always lifted weights and read every Bodybuilding magazine I could find. I did my first Bodybuilding show in 1993 and I was hooked. In 1998 I promoted my first show The Natural Northeast. Buffalo Bodybuilding promoter Jerry Marsala gave me this opportunity & helped guide me through the promotion process. I promoted this show at the age of 22. This April will be my 14th Annual Natural Northeast. I added another show for the fall, The Natural New York State

     I have trained people for physique contests for 15 years. I believe that I have an excellent idea of how a Drug Free Bodybuilder/figure competitor should prepare for their big day



  1. the natural new york state show this past october was awesome! great job joe!

  2. I think the commercial is spot on and hilarious.lighten up!!!
